We are proud to present “Solaris Vol 2: Cinematic Atmospheres” an awe-inspiring collection of 1.12GB, teeming with ethereal delights that will elevate your music production to extraordinary heights.
Unleash your creativity with a treasure trove of cinematic beds and evolving backgrounds, conjuring epic landscapes that paint vivid pictures in the minds of listeners. Delve into the depths of darkness with ominous atmospheres that send shivers down spines and set the mood for spine-chilling tales of suspense and feel the organic textural sounds caress your senses, enveloping you in a symphony of pure imagination then experience the ground-shaking rumbles and the intricate granular textures that add depth and complexity to your sonic palette.
Embrace the power of “Solaris Vol 2” in your cinematic masterpieces, and watch your video game backgrounds and trailers come to life with spine-tingling authenticity. Dive into the world of electronic music genres, including Ambient, Downtempo, Electronica, Experimental, and Abstract, and discover new dimensions of creativity that surpass all expectations.
Ready to transform your music production? These undiscovered sounds will be your golden ticket to filling every gap with brilliance and innovation.
All Rights not expressly granted to the user are reserved. The sound samples in this sample pack are licensed, not sold, to you to be reproduced within your original musical compositions only. All copying, lending, duplicating, re-selling or trading of this product or its content is strictly prohibited. Only the original purchaser of this product has the right to embody and reproduce the enclosed sound samples within their music compositions. The Licensee may use the Sounds in combination with other sounds in music productions (which include soundtracks of such as films, video productions, radio/TV programs or commercials, computer games and multimedia presentations, library music), public performances, and other reasonable musical purposes within musical compositions. The Licensee MAY NOT use the Sounds in isolation as sound effects (i.e. a sequence of musical events) or within any competitive products that are sold or relicensed to multiple third parties. In these scenarios the Licensee must arrange an extension with Freaky Loops.
In addition, “naked” or “isolated” samples, loops, kits/stems are not to be sold or distributed as individually licensable “stripes”, “work parts” or “elements”. The “Kits” and “Demo Tracks” contained within each Freaky Loops product are not allowed to be used commercially and cannot be used to create Library Music. This is defined as music created specifically for release by Library Music Companies worldwide in any form.
This license is granted for a single user only (and is given on a worldwide basis). The license is non-exclusive and is granted for the full period of copyright protection and sound samples. You cannot electronically transfer the sound samples or place them in a time -sharing or service bureau operation or a computer/sampler network. Opening or using this product constitutes your acceptance of these terms.”
Contact: [email protected]