And the beat goes on… “Freaky Loops” and “Utku S.” are very proud to present “Dubstep Drums Vol 2” – is back again for the second time with this hot, smoking Dubstep product that will blow you off your seat.
This massive collection which features 814MB of raw and all loops are with BPM information. “Dubstep Drums Vol 2” includes, 517 loops and samples.
In detail this pack includes 60 kick & snare loops, 60 addon hihat & perc loops + 15 fully mixed drum loop kits with 2 versions + 15 drum oneshot kits. Loop kits contains 231 loops included 99 Top Loops, 55 Drum Loops, 47 Drum Mix Loops and 30 Kick Loops. Oneshot kits contains 166 drum hits – featuring 54 hi-hat, 29 snares, 22 perc, 21 ride, 20 fx, 15 kick and 5 crash.
Maximum flexibility to arrange, edit, slice and chop and make your own loop ! The loops fit with each other, that opens a door to the whole new world of possibilities. All you need to do is experiment and mix between different loops. All drum loops locked at 140BPM. Each loop kit contains a full sample mix, plus all elements separated and set out for you to mix and match until the groove sits tight.
To satisfy all your need for a kickin’ tune with decent punch, this collection contains a large variety of drums, sampled extra-long to allow for extreme manipulation..
These beats are dubby and dark.. Mix, match, and chop these drum loops to create your signature sound!
Please Note: This is drum only pack other sounds in this demo are from http://www.loopmasters.com/label/show/61 ‘s “http://www.loopmasters.com/product/details/1619/Serious-Dubstep”
All Rights not expressly granted to the user are reserved. The sound samples in this sample pack are licensed, not sold, to you to be reproduced within your original musical compositions only. All copying, lending, duplicating, re-selling or trading of this product or its content is strictly prohibited. Only the original purchaser of this product has the right to embody and reproduce the enclosed sound samples within their music compositions. The Licensee may use the Sounds in combination with other sounds in music productions (which include soundtracks of such as films, video productions, radio/TV programs or commercials, computer games and multimedia presentations, library music), public performances, and other reasonable musical purposes within musical compositions. The Licensee MAY NOT use the Sounds in isolation as sound effects (i.e. a sequence of musical events) or within any competitive products that are sold or relicensed to multiple third parties. In these scenarios the Licensee must arrange an extension with Freaky Loops.
In addition, “naked” or “isolated” samples, loops, kits/stems are not to be sold or distributed as individually licensable “stripes”, “work parts” or “elements”. The “Kits” and “Demo Tracks” contained within each Freaky Loops product are not allowed to be used commercially and cannot be used to create Library Music. This is defined as music created specifically for release by Library Music Companies worldwide in any form.
This license is granted for a single user only (and is given on a worldwide basis). The license is non-exclusive and is granted for the full period of copyright protection and sound samples. You cannot electronically transfer the sound samples or place them in a time -sharing or service bureau operation or a computer/sampler network. Opening or using this product constitutes your acceptance of these terms.”
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